Friday 12 July 2013

Fried Pomfret in Black Soy Sauce (Bawal Hitam Masak Kicap)

One of my favourite fish other then mackerel.
Very easy and simple dish though..
Should you try....

Ingredients (Bahan-bahan):
2 medium black pomfret (cleaned) --> bawal hitam
1 tea spoon turmeric powder  -->serbuk kunyit
5 table spoon black soy sauce --> kicap kacang soya
1 inch ginger (thin sliced)  --> halia
1 large Union (thin sliced)  --> bawang besar
1 tea spoon black pepper powder  --> serbuk lada hitam
4 green chillies (thin sliced) --> cili hijau
2 garlic cloves (minced)  --> bawang putih
1 tea spoon sugar  -->gula
1 table spoon tamarind/lime juice -->air asam jawa/limau
Corn flour (to marinated the fish)-->tepung jagung
Oil (to fry) -->minyak masak

Methods (Cara membuat):
1.Marinated cleaned pomfret with black pepper and turmeric   powder for 30 minutes.
2.Heat the oil in the work and dip pomfret in the corn flour before frying.
3.Fry each side of the fish until golden brown. Drained from oil and put at the side (in serving plate).
4.Then heat up another 4 table spoon oil and fry sliced onion, green chillies and ginger until golden brown. Drained from oil and put at the side-->for gravy.
5.Fry minced garlic until golden brown then add soy sauce.
6.Add tamarind/lime juice with salt and sugar. Then add half of gravy for few minutes.
7.Lastly pour the sauce on top of the fish and add fried gravy. Serve immediately with steamed rice.

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